About Us
Journey for the Brand.
We like making people smile
A Star Power
Bizsect became our Extended Purchase Team . Being a Equipment Manufcaturer we required different types of Products in best prices. They help us to make available products fast in good prices. ( A Star Power )
Singhal Electric Co
We are searching for Digital Tool which help us to check availablitiy, find products & team help us to provide technical support . As we are operating Shop from Last 40 Years we understand prices can be adjusted and they are giving good. ( Singhal Electric Co.)
Santlal Industries LTD
In a Competitive Market nobody can operate monopoly . In terms of Brand Selection every reputed product are giving the at par Qualities & Prices. After Sale Services & Trust are the important parameter for the Brand Selection . Bizsect is helping us in comparing & finding product of required brand in Economical Prices from the market. ( Santlal Industries LTD.)
Sigma Electricals
We are in Contracting Business from more than over a Decade. We face lot of Issues in Deliveries , Trust & Prices . Market is still not very Transparent . But Bizsect Partnership is good for us. They are helping us to get offer from Multiple Brands & created a healthy Environment of Price Comparison to make a Good Deal. ( Sigma Electricals )